is a means of communication. In this world, there are many kinds of language
for communication. Yet from those kinds of language, English seems to be the most
important language in the world’s civilization. English constitutes a means of
international communication. Most of people in Indonesia learn English in the
classroom. In language classroom, teacher talk is likely to be the major or
even the only source of target language input. Teacher talk involves many
aspect of teaching such as giving explanation, instruction, assessment, giving
questions and many others.
formulation of the research problems were: 1) How does an English teacher give explanation
and feedback to her students? 2) What kinds of explanation and feedback does
the teacher use in the classroom? 3) How do the students’ response toward the
explanation and feedback given by the teacher?
The purposes
of this study were to: 1) Describe how an English
teacher gives explanation and feedback to her students. 2) Describe what kinds of explanation and
feedback used by the teacher in the classroom. 3) Describe how the students response
toward the explanation and feedback given by the teacher.
Research method: 1) the
research design in this study was descriptive research with qualitative
approach, 2) the subject of this study was an English teacher of the second
semester of English Education Program of STAIN Tulungagung, 3) The research
instruments were observation, interview, and questionnaire, 4) The data
analysis was inductive.
The research findings
were: 1) the teacher
explained some concepts of a grammar by presenting the example first, and then
she went to the pattern of the concept. The teacher also seemed directly gave
informative feedback to her students when they did a task. 2) The teacher used
deductive approach in giving explanation to her students. It also found that
the teacher gave correction to the student’s answer and gave praises to her
students’ correct answer. 3) Some students show their strong desire for
participation in the interactional classroom activities. They also expected the
positive feedback from teachers to encourage them.

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